The Power of Lions Teeth!
Did you know that the name of the humble ‘weed’ that takes over gardens comes from the French term ‘Dent de Lion’ ie teeth of a lion? We may find this plant frustrating with it’s easily blown seeds and tenacious roots but it can actually have quite an amazing impact on our health.
All vegetables are among the richest sources of fibre that exist - more so than grains, legumes and berries even - they have tonnes of digestive benefits. The best way to get enough veg is to have a few portions with lunch and dinner, otherwise it’s hard to pack in enough in 24 hours. Veg is so important as we get a huge amount of nutrients from them and one of the unlikely stars of the hundreds of vegetables available to us are dandelion leaves.
These leaves are super high in antioxidants because they contain beta-carotine and protect your cells from damage. They are packed with micronutrients which feed the brain - vitamin C, E and K, choline, folate and B6. The are also quite high in protein. Not only that, but they also, reduce cholesterol, regulate blood sugar, reduce inflammation, lower blood pressure (because they are a source of potassium), nourish friendly gut bacteria and boost the cardiovascular system. Pretty amazing for a pesky garden weed!
The best way to eat them is to blanche in boiling water, then serve with a squeeze of lemon and a drizzle of olive oil. Don’t curse and throw these plants on your compost heap, eat as many as you can!!